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La Palma Cruises

Cruise to La Palma in 2024 / 2025

Probably the greenest of the Canaries, lush La Palma has volcanic peaks towering over fertile orchards and plantations.

You can uncover the rich biodiversity of the island at Caldera de Taburiente or Los Tilos Forest, two UNESCO Biosphere Reserves. While textile-lovers will enjoy a trip to the unique silk museum in El Paso, the only place in Europe to still use a 500-year- old weaving technique.

A view of mountains and pine trees at the Caldera de Taburiente National Park, La Palma

Caldera de Taburiente National Park

Discover why La Palma is known as ‘the beautiful island’ at Caldera de Taburiente National Park. Rising out the centre of the island, it’s a huge crater covered in pine forests, criss-crossed with ravines and waterfalls. It’s one of the most majestic National Parks in all of the Canaries.