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Destination guides

America for history buffs

14th August, 2020

From their supersized attitude towards food to the hustle and bustle of their big cities, or the beautiful scenery of their national parks, America has it all when it comes to picking a holiday destination.

For some though, the lure of visiting America is based around their love of history. America is full of history, as monuments and natural wonders alike give tourists plenty to explore. If you’re a history lover that’s looking for some of the best historic places in America, we’ve put together a list of America’s best historical sites that you can’t afford to miss.

The Lincoln Memorial

The Lincoln Memorial

Appearing in the backdrop of several movies, this monument was built to honour the 16th president of the United States.

Abraham Lincoln, often nicknamed ‘Honest Abe’ was one of the most beloved of the American presidents who led the nation through the Civil War, abolished slavery and modernised the US economy. The monument holds a large seated sculpture of Lincoln and three chambers, the north and south chamber are inscribed with two of his famous speeches.

The monument is open 24 hours a day and sees an average of 7 million visitors annually. The Lincoln Memorial is located in Washington DC, which is also the location of many other historic monuments and buildings such as the White House, the Washington Monument and the Capitol Building, making it easy for you to see even more history during your visit.

The Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty

A classic piece of US iconography, the Statue of Liberty is something that is easily associated with America. Reaching heights of 93 metres from ground level to the torch, the Statue of Liberty was gifted to America from the people of France in 1886.

The statue itself is of a Roman liberty goddess called Libertas holding a torch and a tablet inscribed with the date of the US declaration of Independence. The statue is seen as a symbol of freedom. The Statue of Liberty is based in New York City which is absolutely full of other historical landmarks including Ellis Island, which makes up part of the Statue of Liberty National monument alongside Liberty Island itself.

Alcatraz Island

Alcatraz Island

Alcatraz Island is home to one of the most famous prisons in the world, a prison so harsh and isolating that it was known as ‘The Rock’. Originally intended as a last resort prison to hold prisoners who were deemed the worst of the worst and beyond rehabilitation, Alcatraz became known for its notorious reputation as former prisoners reported the brutal, inhumane conditions they endured.

Numerous murders, suicides and breakouts occurred within the prison walls which leads to plenty of ghost stories that are still told today. Many of the escape attempts as well as the prison itself have been inspiration for movies and tv shows over the years.

The island is now managed by the National Parks Service and hosts tours of the prison for tourists who wish to relive what it might have been like to walk through Alcatraz’s terrifying halls as a prisoner. Alcatraz Island is located in San Francisco Bay, California.

Independence Hall

Independence Hall of Philadelphia

A widely revered part of American history lives within the walls of Independence Hall, known famously as the location where the United States Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution were discussed and adopted.

Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and company signed the Declaration of Independence in Independence Hall, marking the beginning of America as an independent nation from England. Independence Hall can be found in Philadelphia, where you can also find the famously cracked Liberty Bell alongside other historic monuments.

Visit North America with Saga Travel

Interested in visiting America to take in as much history as possible? At Saga Travel, we offer a variety of holidays to North America, with a range of different states to choose from. Have a look at our holidays to North America or get in touch with a member of our friendly team today.

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