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Spirit of Adventure blog

Lisbon & home

28th March, 2023

Popping back out into the Atlantic ocean, we made our way around the coast of Portugal and to our final stop for this trip, the wonderful port of Lisbon.

Conveniently located on Portugal’s west coast, this city is always appreciated by guests & mariners alike, for its shores lie on the sheltered banks of the river Tejo and thanks to its natural shelter seldom is there any problem berthing here – even in the fiercest of Atlantic storms.

Tours whisked many off to see city sights – by bus, tram, foot or even tuk-tuk – and pastures further afield for those who wished.

Back on board there was opportunity to sample local culinary delights during our themed Portuguese Afternoon Tea – no doubt those delicious ‘Pasteis de Belem’ featured heavily on the trolleys…

A farewell sailaway party was held in the sunshine next to the pool to wave our final goodbyes to the warm sunshine (as well as a behemoth of a cruise ship also in port) as we departed northward back to the UK.

The final few days on board gave generous time for everyone to enjoy all our indoor lounges, food, entertainment and activities again as skies became grey and temperatures cooled outside whilst closing on northern latitudes again…memories of a fantastic sunny Mediterranean holiday fading slowly, but never altogether!

Kind Regards
Captain Kim Tanner

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