Spirit of Adventure blog
10th March, 2023
The northernmost city in mainland Norway welcomed us with quite a strong snow shower and reduced visibility on arrival. The pier was just over 100 meters long, so we had quite an overhang on both ends, as we are 237 meters long. Furthermore, the weather forecast was showing strong SW winds for our departure. Given the circumstances I decided to cancel my initial plans which were to visit the North Cape with our guests, and stayed on board instead.
As the sky cleared up as the morning progressed I decided to take a quick walk ashore and get some fresh air after lunch. As I stepped from the ship I saw two of our deck cadets on the pier, Elena and Harry. They had started to build a snowman, and were definitely having fun.
After my short walk I bumped into a reindeer which is a species of deer with circumpolar distribution native to the arctic. Being outside was very pleasant and the weather had become just perfect.
In the afternoon though the wind picked up, as per the weather forecast, gusting over 30 knots. As the last guests were on their way back to the ship from their tour to the North Cape, we started our engines and prepared everything for our departure. The weather was deteriorating, so I wanted to be ready to go. I had decided to back out and swing the ship outside of the harbour.
With the pilot off the ship we are now on our way back to Portsmouth.
Kind regards
Captain Krešo Volarić
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