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Spirit of Adventure blog


14th September, 2022

We anchored at Galway this morning and, as I usually like to do, I looked ashore for something to catch my eye through my binoculars.

I took the tender ashore, and as soon as I stepped ashore bumped into our Explore Ashore Manager, Rodrigo, who gave me directions to the town. First thing on my way there, was something a sailor would definitely notice, a beautiful old boat in the harbour.

Walking a bit further into town there was the surprise I was looking for. The centre of Galway was buzzing with positive energy! Pubs and restaurants full of smiling faces enjoying life. I was asking myself “who is working here apart from people in shops, pubs and restaurants?”. Such a nice small but vibrant town.

Walking around, I spotted a Galway Girl. Not sure if that’s the one from Ed Sheeran’s song!.

Quite a large number of our guests went to see the “Cliffs of Moher”, and enjoyed their great experience. These Cliffs are also a recognizable landmark on the big screen for many movies, music videos and adverts. One of the biggest movies filmed at the Cliffs was Harry Potter.

One more piece of information I learned and find interesting, is that the people from Galway are called Galwegians and the city also bears the nickname “City of Tribes” because of the fourteen merchant families who led the city in its Hiberno-Norman period.

Galway, it was really nice to meet you…

Until next time…

Kind Regards
Captain Krešo Volarić

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