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Spirit of Adventure blog


1st August, 2022

Leknes is a little town buried in a 100 mile-long range of mountains & valleys known as the Lofoten Islands.

It is the sort of scenic impression one would often find on a Computer screen-saver. Spectacular peaked mountains surrounded by lush green patches, cliffy coves, beaches and crisp blue seas.

Although our approach on Monday morning was made in rather dull, overcast conditions, come mid-morning the clouds cleared to provide blue skies along with stunning low cloud formations around the mountains.

Given the small size of Leknes’s fishing harbour, we had to anchor just outside the confines and use our tenders to ferry those who wished ashore. Thankfully the seas were calm and the journey a short, pleasant one weaving through rocky shoals and warning beacons en-route.

A wander around little Leknes is a pleasant experience in itself, however there is a lot to see and do here so there were, of course, organised trips further afield into the picture postcard scenery.

Many such trips visited little fishing villages, passing remote dwellings either lived in by locals or some rented out as holiday homes for adventurous vacationers. Towering mountains, little red fishing huts and Viking remains are all on the checklist, as well as a Viking museum if one catches the time.

With the final tender returning in time for evening G&T’s, everyone who made a trip today definitely returned with cameras full of scenic shots, and very possibly a little more culturally enriched.

Kind Regards
Captain Kim Tanner

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