Spirit of Adventure blog
1st November, 2022
We said goodbye to the Mediterranean and its calm seas as we passed through the Gibraltar Strait and turned north towards Lisbon. The weather was still nice and the temperature was still pleasant.
We had a very nice and beautifully sunny day in Lisbon. Our timing was perfect yet again with sunrise on the river Tagus( Tejo in Portuguese) as Staff Captain Denis swung us around and docked Adventure. I stayed on board and was focused on the planning of our final route for this cruise and our transit of the Bay of Biscay. Weather was deteriorating and I didn’t want to take any chances so we moved our final formal night a day ahead of schedule and we combined it with our departure from Lisbon. Safety Officer Chandon took us out and once we were out to open sea and heading into the sunset, we quickly changed from our daily uniforms to our formal gear and joined our guests in the Britannia Lounge for a farewell party.
The decision to shift the party was a good one as the weather did deteriorate as forecast. We kept the speed to the max to complete our transit as fast as we could in order to outrun the storm and reduce our exposure time. It worked well as once we entered the English Channel the seas calmed down, and we slowed down and aimed for our scheduled Pilot time at the Nab. We even got a bit of sun, and I was able to catch a nice shot of the rainbow just off our bow.
Kind Regards
Captain Franko Papić
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