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Spirit of Adventure blog


21st December, 2021

Its time to write about the benefits of working on a Saga ship.

Today we are in the Port of Castries on the island of St. Lucia. We had a slight delay in our arrival at the pilot station as we departed late from Basseterre due to fuel bunkering, and had to run all our engines to make up the lost time overnight. We had a special task to complete today in Castries - to go ashore and make an assessment of a resort. I left Staff Captain Denis in charge while I was ashore. 

The Calabash Cove is situated 4 miles north of Port of Castries. We have been told by the driver that it’s usually 10 min drive, however, due to the Christmas shopping rush hour and two more ships in port with us, it took us a good half an hour to get there. The assessment included a guided tour of the reception and dining area, the cottage and the beach. That meant that I had to do the hard work and get wet. Sandy beach was beautiful with sea temperature 2 degrees higher than the air temperature. I went for a swim some 200 meters towards the deeper water in order to do a free dive as well, but I was surprised that the depth was still less than 3 meters.

After the swim, lunch awaited. Tuna as a starter and shrimp pasta as a main course. It was so tasty that I forgot to take photos of the plates.

Kind Regards
Captain Franko Papić

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