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Spirit of Discovery blog

Southbound to the Costa del Sol

18th March, 2022

A calm but chilly evening saw us departing Southampton on our next venture south, to the Mediterranean this time, in search of some islands and coastlines of Spain & Africa. As well as some early spring weather, we hoped.

We enjoyed 3 pleasant days at sea running south, with a good deal of sunshine and following winds helping us along as everyone settled in. Onboard activities ranged in abundance, from craft classes to carpet bowls, Spanish language lessons to educational lectures, and even ballroom dance masterclasses (which, having not just two but 3 left feet, I gave a wide berth).

Soon enough, we reached the Costa del Sol and its crown, Malaga on St Patrick’s Day. We berthed on a nice modern cruise terminal, and by 08:00 everyone was free to explore ashore. It was a glorious day, with plenty of sunshine and temperatures reaching 24oC – a great start to our ‘early spring in the Med’.

Organised trips today whisked those who wished, off to see the highlights of the city, tapas experiences, the nearby towns of Mijas, Marbella & Ronda, as well as flamenco shows. If an organised trip wasn’t for you then a stroll along the waterfront promenade in the sunshine, with a stop or two at any of an abundance of waterfront watering houses, is always a great option.

As the time for evening G&T’s drew nigh, it was ‘all aboard’ time and we cast off to our next Spanish destination of Barcelona; a city which never fails to bring to mind that rather catchy famous Olympic anthem of Freddie & Montserrat’s, but then remains on repeat in my head throughout the arrival process…

Kind Regards
Captain Kim Tanner

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