Spirit of Discovery blog
5th August, 2022
Spirit of Discovery made fast to Visby pier on the island of Gotland at 0750 this morning after a quick overnight passage from Gdansk. The weather, although cloudy, was very warm and comfortable. Shuttle buses immediately began ferrying our guests to their various tours and attractions, meanwhile the ship was hooked up to shoreside facilities to replenish our fresh water and discharge our waste water.
Visby is a town where history feels close at hand. It is very easy for a lover of the past to become immersed when surrounded on all sides by such reverently preserved medieval architecture. Cobbled streets take visitors up narrow streets lined with overhanging timber and stone houses, and towards the centre these open up into charming squares where street vendors trade. Places for refreshment are plentiful, and lean toward the intimate and al-fresco. A walk up the Strandgaten will take you to the fantastic Gotland Museum, whose exhibits will immerse the visitor in the Island’s story, all the way from murky paganism to the late-medieval era. It is clear why this is a popular destination for Swedes and tourists alike.
We will depart here at 1700 for an overnight passage to Stockholm.
Kind Regards
Captain Darin Bowland, MSc
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