Spirit of Discovery blog
4th August, 2022
Weather in Gdansk for our arrival this morning was extremely hospitable, with a light breeze and temperatures over 23 degrees. Manoeuvering to our berth required turning the ship 180 degrees and running astern for 1.5nm; we had two tugs standing by, which were not utilised thanks to the excellent handling afforded by our podded propulsion system. With Staff Captain Richard Peake at the controls, and two pilots offering their local knowledge, the operation proceeded calmly and without issue.
A short bus ride took us to the bustling city centre where, despite it being mid-week, there were myriad street-vendors selling everything from sheepskin jackets to burgers and waffles. All this in the pleasant surroundings of Gdansk’s 15th-17th century architecture. We look forward to visiting this city again in the future.
Kind Regards
Captain Darin Bowland, MSc
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