Spirit of Discovery blog
20th September, 2021
Our overnight stay in Lisbon gave us a great opportunity to complete one of the more time consuming maintenance tasks required by our planned maintenance schedule on board. This was to renew the oil seals for the gearbox of one of the 4 propulsion pod steering motors.
As we docked in Lisbon with the engineering team who would perform the work poised like coiled springs, the Bridge called finished with engines for the night. The electrical isolations and safety checks were completed, and the aforementioned coiled springs were released.
While the work was being progressed in the Propulsion Pod Room, life goes on in the Machinery Room Spaces and the Control Room. But all was quiet for the night in the machinery spaces…
Then by 0700 in the morning this big maintenance task is completed and the port propulsion pod is back in one piece.
Chief Engineer Len Blinston
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