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Spirit of Discovery blog


9th January, 2020

Well into the new year of 2020 (where did last year go – it went so fast with the delivery and work involved with our new ship) and we have arrived back into our home port of Southampton, on a slightly windy day to say the least but typical for this time of year. It is a time for us to reflect on just on 8 sea days home and the wonderful Fairy Tale of New York Cruise we have completed. Nearly 11000 miles, making all the ports, good weather during all the crossings – we have been very lucky. Spirit of Discovery’s First Christmas, First Long Cruise and First visit for Saga for many years to the USA waters.

Many activities during our 8 sea days home including our first Pantomime with many guest crew stars, including the Hotel General Manager, Explore Ashore Manager and our very own Stuart Anderson. We held a fantastic Country Fair and raised just under £2,000 for our Silver Line Charity. The first Crew Show was performed and this was amazing – our crew are so talented in many ways. Many Captain Corners, Afternoon Teas, Quizzes, Skittles and all the usual antics.

A BIG THANK YOU must go out to our Theatre Production Group who were onboard and changed a lot of our guests into first rate West End Performers and Singers and they had a great show at the end of the cruise. A big thank you goes out to Mike Gaffney and his Art tutoring – was a pleasure to see. Also to our Bridge Instructors – I know the guests loved it!! Mr Roger Cook (from the Cook Report) was onboard giving some lectures covering his amazing life and work in Television – a real privilege to meet him.

So here in Southampton – busy day. Many guests going home and many embarking today – 972 in total – the most we have ever had on one cruise!! Lots of fuel to load, lots of stores to load and lots of luggage.

5:15pm and time to do our mandatory Passenger Emergency Drill. My senior team this cruise are Chief Engineer Mark, Staff Captain Franko, Hotel General Manager Jan and Cruise Director Michelle.

6pm and time to leave Southampton for a fantastic Pure Canaries Cruise and the weather is looking good in the more southern latitudes. I cannot wait – plus my last cruise before going home.

Full steam ahead for Madeira!

Captain Nick Sunderland

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