Spirit of Discovery blog
Sea day
21st January, 2020
Hello readers. Unfortunately we had to cancel Lisbon due to strong winds so we have made our way north trying to shelter from these winds and have a comfortable journey.
Our sea day today in the English Channel is looking nice with blue skies and gentle seas. It has been a great cruise and we have been so lucky in the ports from Funchal, La Palma, Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Lanzarote – sunshine and no wind every day – fantastic for the 1st and 2nd week of January mid-winter. I really hope all the guests had a great time.
Tomorrow in Southampton is time for me to go on leave as I hand over command to Captain Burgess. It is been a very busy 2 months onboard and I hope all the guests had a great time and we look forward to seeing everybody very soon.
Thanks for reading and see you mid-March.
Captain Nick Sunderland
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