Spirit of Discovery blog
13th January, 2020
We seem to have brought the good weather with us as Funchal delights us with all its glory this morning. After 3 pleasant sea days heading south (1st day in English Channel Approaches was a little bumpy so a chance for our guests to get their sea legs!!) with lots of activities going on including our Welcome Cocktail Party, The Wonderful Syd Lawrence Orchestra, Captain’s Corners, Cast Shows and the Newcomer’s Party. With nearly 500 newcomers this cruise it has been a pleasure to welcome them into the Saga Family.
We picked our pilot up on time this morning at 7am and we were alongside our downtown berth ready to go from 8am. Just a small walk and then you are straight into town or near the restaurants in the marina area for the famous “Steak on a Stone”. Got to be done today as with many seadays over the last few days it is nice to step onto dry land!! We are in port today with the Aida Nova and Marella Explorer but our guests know all the ways to get to the best Cafes and Restaurants in town!
Many guests on tour today. Last year with my mum we did the Scenic Madeira tour which was very nice and you get to see all the sights. The sidecar and E-bike adventure proving to be very popular today.
Well with warmer than expected temperatures and sunshine it is time to leave Funchal ready for our quick journey south to La Palma tomorrow. 5pm and we are all clear, dropped off the pilot and heading south. A great day and first port and looking forward to the rest of the ports coming up.
See you soon!
Captain Nick Sunderland
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