Spirit of Discovery blog
23rd September, 2019
At 0530 this morning we passed under the “Storebelt” or “Great Belt’s Bridge” which connects the Danish Islands of Zealand and Funen with the longest span covering some 1624 metres There were a few guests up on deck to watch this spectacle and it certainly does not look as though there is much clearance when you watch the funnel at 49m above the waterline pass under!!
Pilot was boarded at 0730 and it was a rather windy arrival into a very small harbour, so some very precise manoeuvring was required. The great thing is that Spirit of Discovery has plenty of power with its 2 bow thrusters and podded propulsion. With a 90’ swing in the small harbour with only 30m clearance each end we were all fast alongside by 0840.
Kalundborg is a very quaint little Danish Town and one of our newer destinations. It is also conveniently located for Copenhagen with many of our guests taking the tours “The best of wonderful Copenhagen” and “Explore Copenhagen on your own” It was a busy day for me but I did manage an hours fresh air with a pedal through the town and along the coast. It was certainly windy on my return to the ship so thoughts were then given to whether to order a tug. Fortunately, as it was a 1900 sailing the wind had dropped to 20-25 knots so all was good to depart with no tug assistance.
Once clear we headed for our final port of call, Aalborg on this “Myths and Legends of the Baltic” cruise.
Captain Julian Burgess
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