Spirit of Discovery blog
27th November, 2019
Another fine day today in the Gulf of Salerno, just south of Gulf of Naples on the mainland Italian Coast. The famous Amalfi coast, renowned for its beautiful mountain scenery, having a very famous mountain – VESUVIUS – especially in AD79!
Light winds and clear skies greeted us just outside the harbour when I picked up the pilot then we were bow in to the cruise berth. Just after 8am and many tour coaches ready to take our guests to Vesuvius, Pompeii, Herculaneum, Naples and even a Limoncello Tour (sounds the best one haha!!).
Today is my chance to climb to the top of Vesuvius – and I certainly did – but it was a bit cloudy at the top and couldn’t see much of the 2nd crater. BUT – I got my stamped postcard to prove I was at the top – plus a selfie at the weather station, very important!! Many of the Saganauts ventured to the top as well so Bravo to everyone who achieved that.
Tours to Pompeii were magnificent, seeing all the wonderful Roman sights and art work and even a lead pipe system for water – AMAZING!! Herculaneum tours were also very successful on this mostly dry day, very lucky for this time of year.
Well 5pm and time to leave the Italian coast, 2 seadays towards Gibraltar and the forecast is looking good. “We are the Champions” is on tonight with the Spirit of Discovery Show Company and I will be at the front with the air guitar to support.
Ta Ta for now and see you in Gib!
Captain Nick Sunderland
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