Spirit of Discovery blog
10th November, 2019
A busy Tenerife, five ships in and I was proud to be the Captain of the newest Cruise ship afloat. Whilst a fast run down from Funchal with those pesky swell conditions persisting, we did make good time to Santa Cruz, well done Spirit of Discovery!
Coming to Tenerife has a hint of coming-home for me. I used to have a shared-property here and had many years of relaxing, and the not so relaxing, holidays here. However, I could never make full use of my share, too busy, and had to let it go. Do I miss it, yes, I probably do!
We embarked the Pilot on time at 0900, I like these Pilot times, an easy-in to the day, although, I did have my regular 0600 call. I am a morning person and a good strong coffee at 0630 is a great way to start the day. Of course, that’s just me. Our parking slot was on the north-end of the outer breakwater, a bit of a trek into town if you wanted to do your walking thing, but it was a busy day in Santa Cruz.
Swinging in the entrance of the port, with a stiff North Easterly breeze, I backed this shiny ship onto her berth. Moored by 0940, in good time for our Guests to stream ashore, as they did. A 10.00 arrival is after breakfast so everyone is ready to launch down the gangway as soon as we arrive., whereas an 0800 arrival, most are still at one of the ‘breakfast’ venues and the gangway not so busy immediately after arrival!
A good day, yes I would say so. A bit of drizzle materialised after lunch, it was frequent but short in period and of only light, very light rain. The tours that went further around the Island had mixed weather, some glorious sunshine, others in the cloud. Tenerife does have its own micro-climate especially at this time of year.
It was a late departure, 2200, although all Guests, but a few, were back onboard by 1900, or just before. It was the ‘Dinner’ alarm calling!
With the Pilot onboard, we slipped our moorings and ease off the berth. The Pilot was keen to jump-ship and he disembarked before we were out of the harbour. Whilst a windy and swelly night, we slipped into the darkness leaving Tenerife astern as we headed across to La Palma Santa Cruz at a rather relaxed and leisurely pace.
Right then, its late and time for bed...
Captain Stuart Horne
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