Spirit of Discovery blog
29th July, 2019
A very nice day at sea heading north, the weather cleared up as we came clear of the approaches to the Dover Strait which is always welcomed. A busy fun filled day of activities ranging from Lectures in the Playhouse (destinations lectures, Norwegian culture & traditions and more…) to Line dancing in the Britannia Lounge and Ballroom Dancing classes – I need some of these!! At 6:30pm we held our Captain’s Welcome Cocktail Party in the Atrium and it was a great chance to meet a lot of guests and give them a warm welcome to our fantastic new ship. After a fantastic meal in on our great variety speciality Restaurants it was time to choose between the Show Company in the Britannia Lounge presenting ‘Lets be Frank’ or the Magic of Steve Price in the Playhouse – all in all a great day!
6:30am and time to pick up our pilot at Fedje Pilot station and to approach Bergen. One of my favourite ports in Norway, the whole scenery around here is fantastic. We were alongside ready to go just before 9am and we were greeted by sunshine and not a rain cloud in sight, extremely unusual not to see a rain cloud in this region. Many of our explore ashore tours going down the gangway today seeing the beautiful Bergen and its surrounding areas. At 10am I hosted a plaque ceremony in the Atrium and it was an honour to receive the plaque from Bergen as our first port of call here. A nice photo is attached for your viewing pleasure amongst other nice photos of us in Bergen.
Weather has been fantastic today, hot and sunny and up to around 30 degrees C – I have never seen it this nice in Bergen! Just before 6pm and it was time to leave and turnaround the vessel and proceed out of the harbour and fjord towards the pilot station. Our Staff Captain took care of the pilot drop off and I made my way to the Britannia Lounge to see our newcomers and welcome them to the Saga Boutique Cruising Family. Fantastic sun in the sky with fjord scenery and a beautiful venue – could not ask for anymore!!!
Tomorrow Alesund and the weather looks as nice. See you later…
Captain Nick Sunderland
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