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Spirit of Discovery blog


27th July, 2019

So here we are in Dover getting ready for our next cruise – Fjords in Focus. I love going up to Norway and it really has such great scenery and landscape. Our guests had a great time on our last cruise ‘The Channel Island Hop’ and we are ready to welcome our embarking guests on our brand new purpose boutique ship – The Spirit of Discovery.

A busy day in Dover with the schools finished for the summer and everyone heading to the continent on a ferry!! Our VIP cars will make it through the traffic I am sure. Embarkation of the ship started like clockwork on time and it was great to see many new faces and familiar ones – all with smiles as they came onboard via Deck 5 and into our stunning Atrium.

My senior team this cruise is Chief Engineer Mark, Staff Captain Matt, General Hotel Manager Dawn and Cruise Director Kayleigh, all working tirelessly front and back of house to make the experience on the Spirit of Discovery a fantastic one!

Just after 5pm and time to do our Passenger Emergency Drill then just after 6pm and time to sail away from Dover and to head north towards Norway and Bergen. A nice sea day ahead of us in the North Sea and a day packed will fun filled activities and of course – GREAT FOOD!

Full steam ahead to Bergen…

Find out more about our exciting Cruises to Norway.

Captain Nick Sunderland

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