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Spirit of Discovery blog


26th July, 2019

I used to visit Portland a lot in my previous life and still enjoy this area a lot, very scenic inland and Weymouth is nice for a walk. We picked up our pilot at 6:40am this morning and proceeded past the breakwaters and towards the cruise ship berth. Weather was good and the forecast was for improvement – I always like it when that happens. Greeting the guests off the gangway on the pier I did look up at the ship and think – “do you know what; that is a beautiful ship”! And she is, she really is!

Tours out and about today and our explore ashore program is proving a great hit. Many guests took the opportunity to explore themselves ashore, as did I – a little stroll on the quay, that is all Captain’s get nowadays!!

5:30pm came about quick today and with that it was time to leave our last port for this cruise. After a gun salute on the Quay and ‘return fire’ from us with a fantastic sounding ship’s whistle it was time to head east to our home port of Dover. A fantastic cruise and I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as we have…

Captain Nick Sunderland

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