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Spirit of Discovery blog


31st December, 2019

We were certainly blessed with 2 nice sea days over to Bermuda. A chance for a lot of guests (and crew) to catch up on some sleep and rest after some fun filled days in Norfolk and then our overnight stay in New York. A fantastic experience that everybody should see. 

On the first sea day over we were treated to a session of ‘Can’t Cook Won’t Cook’ with Kevin Woodford, where myself and the Cruise Director went head to head – always fun – and I won which is a bonus!! Some busy sea days with Captain’s Corners, wonderful cast shows in the evening and all the great food at this festive time. 

A nice day welcomed us at the Bermuda Pilot Station ready for our 9am arrival. Not too windy, this place is flat and very exposed, so we were lucky there. After our reef pilotage we approached our dock at the Heritage Wharf and came alongside and landed our gangway. Lots to see and do on Bermuda, especially the Half Moon Beach with pink coral sand. I was stationed here as a junior officer with Cable and Wireless and it is always nice to be back, even though that was 20 years ago. Love the atmosphere here and of course the famous island drink – Dark and Stormy. I was here on the Cable Ship Sir Eric Sharp – great days and happy memories. 

Many Saganauts going on scenic tours today of Dockland Trolley Trains, the glass bottom boat sounds fun especially seeing all these beautiful reefs. I went for some lunch at Ascots in Hamilton with some very good friends and it felt like coming home. And tonight is New Year’s Eve – time to celebrate with the Piper and the Haggis, followed by a New Year’s Eve cocktail party and formal dinner and let the party begin. The Britannia Lounge was packed with entertainment, guests and live music, and the purple spot light was on the ships bell – ready for midnight. 

Stuart Anderson was playing the keys in the Club and the Living room and South Cape Bar were busy with many guests. And then the clock struck Midnight – Ding Ding, Ding, Ding – the Bell being rung by the oldest member of the ships company and the youngest member of the ships company – then the classic Auld Lang Syne. Time to party with the Melange Band and some great live music. 

8am and time to leave Bermuda ready for our 8 seadays home. Really pleased that we made every port this cruise and the weather is looking promising on the way home with following winds and seas – perfect. 

See you soon and full speed ahead for home…

Captain Nick Sunderland

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