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Spirit of Discovery blog

Norfolk, USA

26th December, 2019

Again readers I would like to wish you a very Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for 2020. A very nice Christmas Day at sea with lots of activities going on. The 1st Spirit of Discovery Christmas – certainly a busy day!!

The Queen’s Speech was 10am Local Time as we are 5 hours behind the UK, followed by Christmas Service, Christmas Cocktail Party with choir singing followed by our formal Christmas Dinner (was very good!!), Christmas Show in the playhouse and then the Melange Band in the Britannia Lounge for a good old knees up in the evening.

We picked up our pilot around 7:30am this morning and we were alongside the Half Moon Terminal in Norfolk (and next door to the USS Wisconsin Number 64) around 10:30am as we turned on arrival due to our high speed run to New York. A fantastic day weather wise with clear blue skies and no wind – perfect for a boxing day stroll.

Various tours proved popular today including the Norfolk Highlights tour and Norfolk on foot.

Well at 3:30pm we had to leave ready for our pilotage to exit the Norfolk harbour which is around 30nm, passing the large US Navy Atlantic Base, then we drop off the pilot, keep at 10kts in the Speed Restriction Zone for Whales and then when we are clear of that it is full ahead for New York tomorrow for a 10am pilot.

So looking forward to our sail into New York Harbour and I know a lot of preparation has gone on behind the scenes – our team has worked so hard!

See you in New York!!

Captain Nick Sunderland

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