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Spirit of Discovery blog


23rd December, 2019

A much better day here in Miami and not so much wind – happy Captain when there is no wind. As a matter of fact I have never been here when it has been a light breeze, normally this Florida coastline has an element of wind, but today it’s great.

We picked up our pilot on time at 0630 this morning and after coming to Miami for many years it is kind of like coming home. Docking Port side to Terminal E and we were alongside ready to go with our own gangway at 8am. Many keen guests ready to go ashore and also many keen crew as it is the perfect place for both to explore ashore.

Miami is very much the turnaround capital of this area and very setup for crew members to enjoy the local surroundings, which is always nice to see as our crew have been working very hard.

The Everglades has proved to be a popular destination with many guests enjoying the airboat tours – fantastic – you have to do it!! Some nice tours of the surrounding area are always very nice. I quite often stay in the Coral Gables area and then go to the South Beach or shopping in the various Malls - all good fun.

With an extended stay till 6:30pm all aboard it was great to see many smiling faces at the gangway. Weather had improved with sunshine through the day which is always welcomed.

7pm and time to depart, we turnaround in the turning area at the end of the cruise ship street and then proceeded out of the harbour and dropped our pilot off. Next destination is Port Canaveral and  Iam super excited as I am going to the NASA Kennedy Space Centre – cannot wait!

Tonight our Virtuoso Violinist Peter Fisher takes centre stage in the Playhouse and I know the guests will enjoy it.

Captain Nick Sunderland

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