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Spirit of Discovery blog

San Juan

19th December, 2019

A beautiful day here in San Juan and it is great to back in the USA and the wonderful island of Puerto Rico. We picked our pilot up this morning at 6am and after a nice sail in passing the Castle on the port side and into the inner harbour we came alongside our downtown berth. With this being our first US port we will all have to do a full face to face inspection with the USCBP. A process which needs much organisation – but our team have all the plans in place to ensure a smooth operation. It is also our US Coast Guard Inspection day – much hard work has gone into the preparation for this ensuring all the crew are trained to the highest standard and all our equipment is in tip top condition – as it always is!!

Many guests going exploring today in the old town of San Juan, which is a walk away from the ship and the terminal. Hot here today so many in shorts and the smell of sun tan lotion lines the corridors and gangway area!! Many tours going out and about today to explore this very interesting island.

Well I am very pleased to report that we passed the USCG inspection with flying colours – so well done to all and a big thank you to all the crew!

4:30pm and time to leave Puerto Rico, ready for our two sea days heading towards the Grand Bahama Channel and up towards Key West. A fantastic day, certainly one I am sure many guests will remember and cherish.

Next stop – Key West…

Captain Nick Sunderland

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