Spirit of Discovery blog
St Maarten
18th December, 2019
Bit of a windy day here in St Maarten but it looks like we will have the sunshine. St Maarten is a busy port in the winter time and today we are in with a few cruise ships, but ours is clearly the nicest looking one. We picked up our pilot just after 6am to try and beat the morning wind and we were docked and ready to go from 8am. Many guests on tour today and many choosing to explore themselves or go to the glorious beaches in the surrounding area.
St Maarten Airport is also famous for the beach being close to the runway so if you are lucky you can go there and feel the air rush as the planes land!! Great fun to do!!
Well 5pm came around quickly today and we have a very busy port so some guests were stuck in Taxis getting back – but do not fear we will wait for you!! We managed to get clear of the dock before the other big ships and then it was time to set sail for the USA and Puerto Rico – everyone’s very excited.
Tonight’s showtime is “We Are the Champions” and a tribute to the band Queen – I love this show.
Full steam ahead to Puerto Rico and the weather is looking great for San Juan.
Captain Nick Sunderland
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