Spirit of Discovery blog
16th December, 2019
A beautiful day here in Barbados, warm at 27 degrees C and not too much wind – happy Captain. Our berth is the Sugar Berth today and this is a short stroll into the terminal and then out towards Bridgetown itself. Many of the crew today going to the Boat Yard – every Cruise Ship Officer has a story to tell about the Boat Yard. Mine is that I came off a Jetski and lost my favourite Oakley sunglasses, but never mind.
Well we picked up the pilot at 6am this morning to beat the sunrise winds. Mostly sunshine forecast for today with that Easterly trade wind breeze and highs of 30 degrees C – I love the Caribbean and especially Barbados.
Many guests exploring today and many out on the sun loungers on the outside decks or near our elegant Lido Pool. Nice breeze across the deck to keep us cool.
5:30pm came around quickly today and just before 6pm we set sail ready for Dominica tomorrow. A nice first day in the Caribbean and many more to come.
Next stop Roseau – see you later!!
Captain Nick Sunderland
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