Spirit of Discovery blog
8th August, 2019
Beautiful conditions in Cartagena, perfect opportunity for our Staff Captain Matt to do arrival and departure. We picked up our pilot at a very social 8am this morning, to the glimmering sunshine in the sky and around 26 degrees C. Highs of 32 degrees C forecasted today but I think it will be warmer than that. We are the only cruise ship in today so plenty of opportunity for our guests to explore ashore unhindered by others and to find their own little magical space.
Nice to catch up with guests at the gangway, I was of course checking they had sun tan lotion on, good head covering and water to stay hydrated – a very caring Captain!! New port for Spirit of Discovery = Plaque Exchange……you know the rules!! Today was no exception and it was a pleasure to host this on board.
Beautiful day here and I got a chance to relax for an hour in the sun which is always nice reading a book – great therapy. 5pm and time to depart as we head up towards the southern French coast, through the Gulf of Lions and approaching Sete. Our sea ay looks to be very nice sunny conditions so I am sure there will be plenty of activity going on.
Full house of entertainment tonight combined with great food and our very special Saga service – what more can we ask for.
Next stop Sete!!!!
Captain Nick Sunderland
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