Spirit of Discovery blog
7th August, 2019
Well we were certainly treated to kind weather for our 3 sea days down to Gibraltar. Especially the last sea day the sun made a grand appearance, and everyone was out on deck to rejoice. A really good atmosphere onboard with guest s enjoying our various speciality restaurants and of course our Grand Dining Room and Grill proving to be very popular. Entertainment was fantastic including our resident cast show – West End to Broadway, The Paul James Band & The enchanting voice of the fabulous Maria Lyn to name but a few. We hosted our Welcome onboard Cocktail Party in the Atrium on the 3rd sea day and it was great to catchup with familiar faces and also a chance to welcome our new friends to the Saga Family.
We picked our pilot up at 6am this morning to be ahead of the Britannia and we had to go into the inside berth which is quite a tricky manoeuvre especially with this size ship. We proceeded in exactly to our planned track through the inner harbour breakwaters and turned the vessel inside and proceeded to go port side alongside. Gangway out and ready to go at 8am – we were ready for the day, and so were our guests. Weather here today is glorious, a bit humid, but nice sunshine and a southerly breeze. Time to bunker fuel today as well at the petrol station, I hope the Chief Engineer has enough money on his debit card!
Alameda Gardens and cable car tour proved very popular today along with the Gibraltar Fortress and WW2 tunnels tours. A trip to the Rock is essential here and many of our guests did this and I have a nice photo for you from them.
As this is the Spirit of Discovery’s first visit to Gibraltar we conducted our Plaque exchange ceremony in the morning and I have attached a photo so you can see for yourselves.
Great day here in Gibraltar and at 5pm it is time to go. Next stop Cartagena tomorrow – another one of my favourites and we have some sunshine again as well – blessed!! Time to listen to Stuart Anderson in the South Cape Bar before a spot of dinner and then I might well swing by the Club by Jools to listen to our musicians this cruise “The Del Lovo Duo” who will be entertaining there.
Let’s go and explore the Med!!
Captain Nick Sunderland
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