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Spirit of Discovery blog


30th August, 2019

We two very nice sea day through the Baltic towards the Norwegian Coast. Weather was due to close in on us on the 30th Aug so we made the move to Oslo as the weather was better further up into the Fjord. On the first sea day from Pori we hosted our Q&A session in the Playhouse with Me, Cruise Director Kayleigh and Chief Dave – and this was very well attended. On the 2nd sea day towards Oslo, just before 10am we passed underneath the Oresund Bridge. Looks a lot closer in the pictures than it is in reality – trust me!! This bridge is the biggest rail/road bridge in Europe and connects Sweden (Malmo) to Denmark (Copenhagen). Many guests on the outside decks!!

Early pickup of the pilot on the 30th at 3am ready for the 5 hr pilotage north into the Fjord. We approached our downtown fortress berth just before 8 and we were docked and ready to go. Many keen Saganauts at the gangway today ready to explore the Norwegian Capital. Weather looks to be holding out, a bit windy, but never rains in a shop or restaurant!! Beautiful part of the world round these parts and the sail in and out is very scenic and natural.

5pm and time to leave – and we have to be on time as it is a high speed run home. Full ahead through the Fjord and then drop pilot off then full ahead in the North Sea southbound. Really enjoyed this Natural Scandinavia cruise and we hope all of our guests have enjoyed it too. There were certainly plenty of smiles at the Farwell Cocktail Party!!

Next stop our home port of Dover!! Full steam ahead!!

Find out more about our exciting Cruises to Norway.

Captain Nick Sunderland

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