Spirit of Discovery blog
Oulu, Finland
25th August, 2019
Early start this morning ready for our 35 mile pilotage into Oulu. Once again we are the biggest cruise ship to ever come here – so an interesting adventure!! We approached the final buoyed channel and turned the vessel on arrival into the current and backed up to our berth. Ready to go at 8am.
Many guests on tour today in this natural Scandinavia port, certainly something different and not seen by many guests. Oulu is northern Finland largest and oldest city. The city itself is spread across several islands and connected via bridges.
As is customary we held our plaque exchange was conducted in the morning and then followed by a tour of our fine vessel.
Little bit of rain and wind but this did not deter our Saganauts from going ashore and exploring – full respect!!
6pm and time to leave before the wind really increases. Some great entertainment on tonight along with a sea day tomorrow.
Next stop Pori (also in Finland) on the 27th
Captain Nick Sunderland
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