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Spirit of Discovery blog


21st August, 2019

Certainly a beautiful day for an arrival into Stockholm. We are so lucky to have an overnight and to start this 5 hour pilotage at 9am when all the guests can see the beautiful archipelago, all 55 miles of it from the Tjärven Pilot Station, into downtown Stockholm. We had a very pleasant sea day coming from Skagen into the Baltic Sea and across to the eastern Swedish Coast. We made it underneath the Oresund Bridge at 4am on Tuesday morning – took a great picture of it – looks closer than it is!!!

Fun filled activities on our sea day combined with our Captain’s Welcome Cocktail Party, which was greatly attended and we were all treated to a very nice formal dinner after that – thanks George!!

By 2pm we were docked in Stockholm on Wednesday. Lots to see and do in the Swedish Capital and it was time for me to go ashore on a tour of the city highlights by land and sea with my family. I love Stockholm, it is so clean and ordered and I always enjoy a spot of lunch in the Grand Hotel – where of course all the Nobel Prize winners are hosted and dined prior to the ceremony. We also of course had our Plaque ceremony onboard and it was a privilege to welcome the local dignitaries on our fabulous new ship.

Overnight here in Stockholm and it is great for guests and crew to get a real taste of the city. Busy 2 days at the gangway with many guests and crew going ashore and enjoying the local sights. 5pm and time to depart, ahead of the local ferries so we have no hold ups!!

A beautiful departure and transit of the Archipelago and I know the guests have loved it!! Next stop Lulea in Sweden as we head north into the depths of the Gulf of Bothnia!! See you soon

Captain Nick Sunderland

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