Spirit of Discovery blog
19th August, 2019
Sunny but a bit windy here in Skagen today. We are right at the northern tip of Denmark in its northern most town, in the east coast of the Skagen Odde Peninsula. We embarked our pilot at 7am and after testing out our Azipod and thruster capabilities we came nicely alongside ready to go with our gangway at 8am. A very nice sea day yesterday coming north through the North sea and we were treated to some very nice food and entertainment – that’s for sure!!
Many guests on tour today or with their coats on ready at the gangway to explore ashore. It certainly looks very picturesque here and Natural Scandinavia!!
As is ritual on the Spirit of Discovery it is time to do our Plaque ceremony and it was a pleasure to welcome onboard our local dignitaries. I have attached a photo for your viewing pleasure.
5pm and time to set sail and head south and then across the Baltic for Stockholm, with a sea day tomorrow. Busy night travelling south towards Copenhagen and passing underneath the famous Oresund Bridge at around 4am!! Early to bed for me.
Great day and some sunshine to finish it off in the evening
Captain Nick Sunderland
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