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Spirit of Discovery blog


14th August, 2019

An enchanting day in Lisbon today not a cloud in sight. Took a wonderful picture of the sunrise this morning from the bridge passing up through the 1966 Bridge in Lisbon – hope you enjoy that.

We had a wonderful sea day yesterday as well packed with activities including our Q&A session in the Playhouse with me, Kayleigh and our Chief Engineer – giving an insight into the construction and delivery of our new vessel. The Opera Boys treated us to a nice show in the Playhouse as well in the evening.

We were alongside at 8am ready to go with our long shoreside gangway installed – very nice. Sheltered from a bit of a northerly breeze, it really means a hot sunny day for all here – the best weather I have seen in Lisbon – what a day to be here.

9am and time to do our Plaque ceremony and it was great to welcome our port authorities onboard and to give them a tour of the vessel in all its glory.

A very special guest joined us today – Mr Jools Holland and we are all looking forward to his 2 shows on our return home to Dover, with 2 sea days in between.

5pm and we departed our berth and had a great sailaway with lots of whistle blowing to greet the shoreside waving and cheering crowd – love making noise!!! Weather looks nice all the way home and what a great way to finish this very pleasant cruise!!

Captain Nick Sunderland

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