Spirit of Discovery blog
12th August, 2019
The Costa Blanca coastline glimmering in the sunshine – we are so lucky with the weather this cruise. Pilot on time this morning as 6:30am sharp and then we approached the berth, turning on arrival and backing up to our passenger terminal berth. Airbridge in and connected and time to rock and roll at 8am.
Alicante is one of my favourites on this coastline and the airport in particular is busy with the tourists serving Benidorm and the surrounding area. We are the only cruise ship in today which is a big plus and a great opportunity for our guests to jump on the shuttle bus and to explore the town and marina and of course – the Beach!
Spirit of Discovery new to Alicante – and oh yes that means Plaque Ceremony!! We held this at 10am and I have attached a very nice photo for you.
Sunshine all day and I took some nice photos for you up at the castle – that hot it even burnt my nose!
4:30pm and a bit of an afternoon breeze - time for the mighty Discovery to depart. Last port in the Med area and time to sail to Lisbon.
Tonight at 9:15pm in the Britannia Lounge is our version of ‘Call my Bluff’ with me, Kayleigh and Kev Woodford – the dangerous trio get together again for fun and jokes all round – hope our guests will enjoy it!
Captain Nick Sunderland
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