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Spirit of Discovery blog


10th August, 2019

Gulf of Lions was more like the Gulf of feathers – certainly a welcomed weather front we are experiencing with calms seas and sunshine – what more can we ask for. Our sea day yesterday was packed with activity. At 1030 in the Playhouse myself, Cruise Director Kayleigh and our VIP Chef Kevin Woodford hosted our very own Can’t Cook Won’t Cook – tremendous fun and the guests loved it as did we!! Maybe the dangerous trio will get together later in the cruise to entertain – watch this space.

3pm on our sea day and I hosted my Captain’s Corner and really nice to see a large turnout of guests with questions of intrigue. Also the perfect smooth sea day to host our Britannia Club Cocktail Party in the Britannia Lounge – perfect – and a perfect dinner afterwards!!

Approaching Sète this morning was very nice with sunshine and no wind, quite unusual for this region. We passed through the entrance breakwaters and then with this length of ship you have to be very careful to be exactly in the right position to turn towards the M2 dock. We turned into the slip as planned and moored the vessel with our 6 lines either end, port side alongside.

Our Explore Ashore team led by Nat on the dock was busy this morning and I was at the gangway with him seeing our guests off either in the tour buses or on our shuttle buses. Gonna be another hot day today, sun shines on the righteous – or something like that!

5pm and time to leave, not an easy manoeuvre to back out either but we took it with caution and we were right on the money.

Out we go and then as soon as the pilot was off we quickly got changed ready for our Newcomers Party in the Britannia Lounge, a great opportunity to welcome our newcomers to the Saga Family.

Tonight is the Opera Boys in the Playhouse – looking forward to that.

Tomorrow is my favourite port of this region – Barcelona and we have the downtown World Trade Centre berth – perfect!

Captain Nick Sunderland

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