Saga Cruises has a brand new Captain – Steve James
We caught up with him as he sailed Spirit of Discovery back to the UK on his first ever cruise as Saga Captain.

“I grew up in Cheltenham which is a long way from the sea – if ever I saw the sea it was on holiday so it was something fun and exciting. I think that’s what drew me to it.
When I was about 10 or 11, my parents suggested I join the sea cadets (I think they wanted me out of the house!) and I loved it. I knew then that I wanted to work at sea; it was mysterious and unknown and it seemed like a good thing to do. I was determined and no other career entered my mind.
At 18, I joined the Royal Navy and passed the Admiralty interview board and went straight in as an officer. In true Navy fashion it was suggested that I volunteer for submarines. It was really exciting. I was with lots of like-minded people and it was busy that I never had time to think ‘I’m stuck under water in a tin can!’.
I can’t say much about my time there because it was very secretive but I would stay submerged for three months at a time. I think it was psychological that we knew we all had to get on – you can’t have arguments underwater. It was great fun.

After six years, I needed to complete my hours at sea and was sent to the merchant navy – totally randomly, I was offered to complete my hours on Saga Rose. It was a six-week trip and I loved it. It was so different being out at sea rather than underneath it. Such a contrast to where I’d worked before. I had fresh air, fresh food and sunshine. I felt really suited to it. At the end of that trip, Saga said to get in touch if ever I got tired of working underwater.
I went back to the Navy for a year and then it felt like the time was right to leave so I called Saga and true to their word, they took me on. I was third officer on Saga Ruby for eight years and then became Staff Captain on Saga Sapphire.
But I wanted to broaden my experience and so I took up an office job. After two years, I realised I wasn’t suited to land life! I love being at sea – the weather is constantly changing and the sky is so beautiful, especially at night when there is no light pollution.

So now I’m Captain for Saga Cruises and it is so nice to be back. The guests are so nice – they’re loyal and they appreciate everything the crew and staff do. I love talking to the guests – after the Navy, it still feels a novelty being allowed to talk to people!
Saga is an incredibly friendly company to work for – they’re like family. I am so happy to be back at Saga. I’ve been made to feel so welcome here, I genuinely feel at home and becoming Captain is such a highlight for me – I feel like I’ve come home.”
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